Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Retrieves reader component version information including Boot Loader, OS, Reader Application, and Radio Firmware versions
{- "readerApplication": "",
- "radioApi": "",
- "radioFirmware": "",
- "radioControlApplication": "1.0.0",
- "readerOS": "",
- "readerHardware": "",
- "readerBootLoader": "",
- "readerFileSystem": "",
- "cloudAgentApplication": "1.0.0",
- "availableOsUpgrades": "[ 3.1.12, 3.0.35 ]",
- "fpga": "",
- "model": "FX7500",
- "serialNumber": "84248dee5721",
- "revertBackFirmware": {
- "readerApplication": "",
- "readerBootLoader": "",
- "readerFileSystem": "",
- "readerOS": ""
Retrieves reader network information including IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS
{- "hostName": "FX9600F0F4B5",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "gatewayAddress": "",
- "subnetMask": "",
- "dnsAddress": "",
- "dhcp": "true",
- "macAddress": "84:24:8D:F0:F4:B5"
Updates the reader network configuration settings
dhcp required | boolean A value indicating DHCP configuration |
macAdress required | string MAC address of the reader(read only) |
dnsAddress required | string IP address of the DNS server |
subnetMask required | string Subnet mask for the network adapter |
gatewayAddress required | string IP address of the gateway |
ipAddress required | string IP address of the reader (read only if dhcp = true) |
hostName required | string Hostname of the reader |
{- "dhcp": "true",
- "macAdress": "84:24:8D:F0:F4:B5",
- "dnsAddress": "",
- "subnetMask": "",
- "gatewayAddress": "",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "hostName": "FX9600F0F4B5"
Retrieves reader operational statistics for read points
{- "uptime": "26 days 01:11:17",
- "systemTime": "2020-01-08T15:36:53+00:00",
- "ram": {
- "total": "26098076",
- "free": "195612672",
- "used": "65368064"
}, - "flash": {
- "rootFileSystem": {
- "total": "26098076",
- "free": "195612672",
- "used": "65368064"
}, - "platform": {
- "total": "26098076",
- "free": "195612672",
- "used": "65368064"
}, - "readerConfig": {
- "total": "26098076",
- "free": "195612672",
- "used": "65368064"
}, - "readerData": {
- "total": "26098076",
- "free": "195612672",
- "used": "65368064"
}, - "cpu": {
- "user": "42",
- "system": "32"
}, - "radioConnection": "connected",
- "antennas": {
- "0": "connected",
- "1": "connected",
- "2": "connected",
- "3": "connected",
- "4": "connected",
- "5": "connected",
- "6": "connected",
- "7": "connected",
- "8": "connected",
- "9": "connected",
- "10": "connected",
- "11": "connected",
- "12": "connected",
- "13": "connected"
}, - "temperature": 31,
- "radioActivitiy": "active",
- "powerSource": "DC",
- "powerNegotiation": "DISABLED",
- "ntp": {
- "offset": 120,
- "reach": 377
}, - "interfaceConnectionStatus": {
- "data": [
- {
- "connectionError": "Sending DATA#2 to HTTP post server Failed:Couldnt connect to server(7)",
- "connectionStatus": "disconnected",
- "description": "mqtt ws",
- "interface": "mqtt ws"
Updates the GPO state on the specified port of the reader
The value for the key command must be set_gpo
Note : Maximum number of ports available per device type
port required | integer [ 1 .. 4 ] The GPO port ID |
state required | boolean Default: false The GPO state signal to send |
{- "port": 2,
- "state": false
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "internal system error."
Updates the application LED state on the reader to the state specified
Note: whenever the seconds is set to 0 it is necessary to turn off the LED by setting it to off
color required | string Enum: "red" "amber" "green" "off" The color of the LED (red, amber, green) |
seconds required | integer The duration in seconds for the LED state to be in effect |
flash | boolean A value indicating whether to flash the LED |
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "internal system error."
{- "region": "US",
- "regulatoryStandard": "FCC",
- "lbtEnabled": "false",
- "channelData": [
- 915250,
- 915750,
- 903250,
- 926750,
- 926250,
- 904250,
- 927250,
- 920250,
- 919250,
- 909250,
- 918750,
- 917750,
- 905250,
- 904750,
- 925250,
- 921750,
- 914750,
- 906750,
- 913750,
- 922250,
- 911250,
- 911750,
- 903750,
- 908750,
- 905750,
- 912250,
- 906250,
- 917250,
- 914250,
- 907250,
- 918250,
- 916250,
- 910250,
- 910750,
- 907750,
- 924750,
- 909750,
- 919750,
- 916750,
- 913250,
- 923750,
- 908250,
- 925750,
- 912750,
- 924250,
- 921250,
- 920750,
- 922750,
- 902750,
- 923250
], - "minTxPowerSupported": 100,
- "maxTxPowerSupported": 300
Update the OS software on the device
url required | string URL where the OS image is served |
authenticationType required | string Enum: "NONE" "BASIC" Type of authentication required to get OS image |
object |
{- "authenticationType": "NONE",
- "options": {
- "username": "string",
- "password": "string"
Updates the reader configuration
The new reader configuration XML file
xml | string Current reader XML configuration |
object (GPIO-LED configuration) GPIO-LED module configuration Configure GPO and LED behaviour based on Events generated Supported Events:
| |
object Gateway specific configuration |
{- "xml": "string",
- "GPIO-LED": {
- "GPODefaults": {
- "1": "HIGH",
- "2": "LOW",
- "3": "HIGH",
- "4": "HIGH"
}, - "LEDDefaults": {
- "3": "GREEN"
}, - "GPI_1_H": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "GPI_1_L": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "GPI_2_H": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "GPI_2_L": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "TAG_READ": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "RADIO_START": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "RADIO_STOP": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
- "retention": {
- "throttle": 200,
- "maxNumEvents": 150000,
- "maxEventRetentionTimeInMin": 10
}, - "batching": {
- "reportingInterval": 1000,
- "maxPayloadSizePerReport": "256KB"
}, - "managementEventConfig": {
- "errors": {
- "cpu": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "flash": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "ram": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "reader_gateway": true,
- "antenna": true,
- "database": true,
- "radio": true,
- "radio_control": true
}, - "warnings": {
- "cpu": {
- "threshold": 80,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "flash": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "ram": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "ntp": {
- "threshold": 0,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 0
}, - "temperature": {
- "ambient": 75,
- "pa": 105
}, - "database": true,
- "radio_api": true,
- "radio_control": true,
- "reader_gateway": true
}, - "heartbeat": {
- "fields": {
- "radio_control": [
], - "reader_gateway": [
], - "system": [
- "CPU"
], - "userapps": [
], - "userDefined": "string"
}, - "interval": 60
}, - "gpiEvents": true,
- "userappEvents": true
}, - "endpointConfig": {
- "data": {
- "event": {
- "connections": [
- {
- "type": "mqtt",
- "options": {
- "endpoint": {
- "hostName": "",
- "port": 8883,
- "protocol": "tcp"
}, - "enableSecurity": true,
- "security": {
- "keyFormat": "PEM",
- "keyAlgorithm": "RSA256",
- "CACertificateFileLocation": "string",
- "publicKeyFileLocation": "string",
- "privateKeyFileLocation": "string",
- "verifyHostName": true
}, - "basicAuthentication": {
- "username": "string",
- "password": "string"
}, - "additional": {
- "keepAlive": 0,
- "cleanSession": true,
- "debug": true,
- "reconnectDelay": 0,
- "reconnectDelayMax": 0,
- "clientId": "string",
- "qos": 0
}, - "publishTopic": [
- "string"
], - "subscribeTopic": [
- "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "additionalOptions": {
- "batching": {
- "reportingInterval": 1000,
- "maxPayloadSizePerReport": 256000
}, - "retention": {
- "throttle": 200,
- "maxNumEvents": 150000,
- "maxEventRetentionTimeInMin": 10
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "internal system error."
{- "xml": "string",
- "GPIO-LED": {
- "GPODefaults": {
- "1": "HIGH",
- "2": "LOW",
- "3": "HIGH",
- "4": "HIGH"
}, - "LEDDefaults": {
- "1": "GREEN",
- "2": "GREEN",
- "3": "RED"
}, - "GPI_1_H": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "GPI_1_L": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "GPI_2_H": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "GPI_2_L": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "TAG_READ": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "RADIO_START": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "RADIO_STOP": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
- "retention": {
- "throttle": 200,
- "maxNumEvents": 150000,
- "maxEventRetentionTimeInMin": 10
}, - "batching": {
- "reportingInterval": 1000,
- "maxPayloadSizePerReport": "256KB"
}, - "managementEventConfig": {
- "errors": {
- "cpu": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "flash": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "ram": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "reader_gateway": true,
- "antenna": true,
- "database": true,
- "radio": true,
- "radio_control": true
}, - "warnings": {
- "cpu": {
- "threshold": 80,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "flash": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "ram": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "ntp": {
- "threshold": 0,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 0
}, - "temperature": {
- "ambient": 75,
- "pa": 105
}, - "database": true,
- "radio_api": true,
- "radio_control": true,
- "reader_gateway": true
}, - "heartbeat": {
- "fields": {
- "radio_control": [
], - "reader_gateway": [
], - "system": [
- "CPU"
], - "userapps": [
], - "userDefined": "string"
}, - "interval": 60
}, - "gpiEvents": true,
- "userappEvents": true
}, - "endpointConfig": {
- "data": {
- "event": {
- "connections": [
- {
- "type": "mqtt",
- "options": {
- "endpoint": {
- "hostName": "",
- "port": 8883,
- "protocol": "tcp"
}, - "enableSecurity": true,
- "security": {
- "keyFormat": "PEM",
- "keyAlgorithm": "RSA256",
- "CACertificateFileLocation": "string",
- "publicKeyFileLocation": "string",
- "privateKeyFileLocation": "string",
- "verifyHostName": true
}, - "basicAuthentication": {
- "username": "string",
- "password": "string"
}, - "additional": {
- "keepAlive": 0,
- "cleanSession": true,
- "debug": true,
- "reconnectDelay": 0,
- "reconnectDelayMax": 0,
- "clientId": "string",
- "qos": 0
}, - "publishTopic": [
- "string"
], - "subscribeTopic": [
- "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "additionalOptions": {
- "batching": {
- "reportingInterval": 1000,
- "maxPayloadSizePerReport": 256000
}, - "retention": {
- "throttle": 200,
- "maxNumEvents": 150000,
- "maxEventRetentionTimeInMin": 10
Changes logging level
The log level to configure
radioPacketLog | boolean Enables or Disables the Radio Control radio packet log |
Array of objects System sub-components |
{- "radioPacketLog": true,
- "components": [
- {
- "componentName": "radio_control",
- "level": "DEBUG"
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "internal system error."
Retrieves a reader log
logType required | string Enum: "syslog" "radioPacketLog" "RgErrorLog" "RgWarningLog" "RcErrorLog" "RcWarningLog" "RcInfoLog" Type of Log to Retrieve |
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "internal system error."
Purges a particular log
logType required | string Enum: "syslog" "radioPacketLog" "RgErrorLog" "RgWarningLog" "RcErrorLog" "RcWarningLog" "RcInfoLog" Type of Log to Retrieve |
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "internal system error."
Gets the List of Regions supported by the reader based on the Readertype
{- "SupportedRegions": [
- "Argentina",
- "Australia",
- "Bangladesh",
- "Brazil",
- "Cambodia",
- "Canada",
- "China",
- "Colombia",
- "Costa",
- "Rica",
- "European",
- "Union",
- "Ghana",
- "Hong Kong",
- "India",
- "Indonesia",
- "Jordan",
- "Korea",
- "Laos",
- "Malaysia",
- "Mexico",
- "Morocco",
- "New Zealand",
- "Peru",
- "Philippines",
- "Russia",
- "Saudi Arabia",
- "Singapore",
- "South Africa",
- "Taiwan",
- "UAE",
- "Ukraine",
- "Venezuela",
- "Vietnam"
based on the region name provided it retrieves the standard channel list
based on the region name provided it will provide the channeldata
region | string Value: "Argentina" provide the region name |
{- "region": "Argentina"
{- "SupportedStandards": [
- {
- "StandardName": "Argentina",
- "isLBTConfigurable": "false",
- "channelData": [
- 915250,
- 915750,
- 903250,
- 926750,
- 926250,
- 904250,
- 927250,
- 920250,
- 919250,
- 909250,
- 918750,
- 917750,
- 905250,
- 904750,
- 925250,
- 921750,
- 914750,
- 906750,
- 913750,
- 922250,
- 911250,
- 911750,
- 903750,
- 908750,
- 905750,
- 912250,
- 906250,
- 917250,
- 914250,
- 907250,
- 918250,
- 916250,
- 910250,
- 910750,
- 907750,
- 924750,
- 909750,
- 919750,
- 916750,
- 913250,
- 923750,
- 908250,
- 925750,
- 912750,
- 924250,
- 921250,
- 920750,
- 922750,
- 902750,
- 923250
], - "isHoppingConfigurable": "false"
timeZone required | string Enum: "International Date Line West" "Midway Island" "Samoa" "Hawaii" "Alaska" "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" "Tijuana" "Baja California" "Mountain Time (US & Canada)" "Arizona" "Chihuahua" "La Paz" "Mazatlan" "Central Time (US & Canada)" "Saskatchewan" "Central America" "Guadalajara" "Mexico City" "Monterrey" "Eastern Time (US & Canada)" "Indiana (East)" "Bogota" "Lima" "Quito" "Caracas" "Atlantic Time (Canada)" "Georgetown" "La Paz" "San Juan" "Santiago" "Manaus" "Asuncion" "Greenland" "Newfoundland" "Brasilia" "Cayenne" "Buenos Aires" "Montevideo" "Mid-Atlantic" "Azores" "Cape Verde Is." "Dublin" "Edinburgh" "Lisbon" "London" "Monrovia" "Reykjavik" "Casablanca" "Coordinated Universal Time" "Belgrade" "Bratislava" "Budapest" "Ljubljana" "Prague" "Sarajevo" "Skopje" "Warsaw" "Zagreb" "Brussels" "Copenhagen" "Madrid" "Paris" "Amsterdam" "Berlin" "Bern" "Rome" "Stockholm" "Vienna" "West Central Africa" "Cairo" "Helsinki" "Kyiv" "Riga" "Sofia" "Tallinn" "Vilnius" "Athens" "Bucharest" "Harare" "Pretoria" "Jerusalem" "Windhoek" "Amman" "Beirut" "Minsk" "Istanbul" "Moscow" "St. Petersburg" "Volgograd" "Kuwait" "Riyadh" "Nairobi" "Baghdad" "Tbilisi" "Tehran" "Abu Dhabi" "Muscat" "Yerevan" "Baku" "Port Louis" "Kabul" "Ekaterinburg" "Tashkent" "Islamabad" "Karachi" "Chennai" "Kolkata" "Mumbai" "New Delhi" "Sri Jayawardenepura" "Kathmandu" "Almaty" "Astana" "Dhaka" "Yangon (Rangoon)" "Novosibirsk" "Bangkok" "Hanoi" "Jakarta" "Krasnoyarsk" "Beijing" "Chongqing" "Hong Kong" "Urumqi" "Taipei" "Perth" "Irkutsk" "Kuala Lumpur" … 121 more Allowed time zones on the reader |
{- "timeZone": "International Date Line West"
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "internal system error."
Configures an NTP Server on the Reader
server required | string Server Host Name or IP Address |
{- "server": ""
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "internal system error."
Gets the Reader Cable Loss Compensation. Includes Cable Length and Cable Loss per Hundred Feet
{- "1": {
- "cableLossPerHundredFt": 0,
- "cableLength": 5
}, - "2": {
- "cableLossPerHundredFt": 10,
- "cableLength": 15
}, - "3": {
- "cableLossPerHundredFt": 20,
- "cableLength": 25
}, - "4": {
- "cableLossPerHundredFt": 30,
- "cableLength": 35
Sets the Reader Cable Loss Compensation. Includes Cable Length and Cable Loss per Hundred Feet
cableLength required | integer >= 0 Cable Length Field. Accepts float values |
cableLossPerHundredFt required | integer >= 0 Cable Loss per Hundred Feet. Accepts float values |
{- "1": {
- "cableLossPerHundredFt": 0,
- "cableLength": 5
}, - "2": {
- "cableLossPerHundredFt": 10,
- "cableLength": 15
}, - "3": {
- "cableLossPerHundredFt": 20,
- "cableLength": 25
}, - "4": {
- "cableLossPerHundredFt": 30,
- "cableLength": 35
}, - "cableLength": 0,
- "cableLossPerHundredFt": 0
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "internal system error."
{- "capabilities": {
- "antennas": [
- {
- "port": 1,
- "type": "INTERNAL"
], - "apiSupported": {
- "versions": {
- "version": "v1"
}, - "appLedColors": [
- "RED"
], - "asyncManagementEventsSupported": true,
- "beepersSupported": true,
- "clockSupport": true,
- "daAppPackageFormat": [
], - "daAppsSupported": true,
- "daLanguageBindings": [
], - "directionalitySupported": true,
- "endpointTypesSupported": [
- {
- "SSLSupported": true,
- "authenticationTypesSupported": [
- "MTLS"
], - "batchingSupported": true,
- "dataOnly": true,
- "retentionSupported": true,
- "type": "MQTT"
], - "externalSerialPort": [
- "NONE"
], - "keypadSupport": [
- "NONE"
], - "llrpSupported": true,
- "maxAppLEDs": 0,
- "maxDataEndpoints": 0,
- "maxNumOperationsInAccessSequence": 0,
- "maxNumPreFilters": 0,
- "messageFormatsSupported": [
- "JSON"
], - "networkInterfaces": [
- {
- "802.1x": true,
- "internal": true,
- "ipAssignment": [
], - "ipStack": [
- "IPv4"
], - "type": "ETHERNET"
], - "numGPIs": 0,
- "numGPOs": 0,
- "restAPISupported": true,
- "rssiFilterSupported": true,
- "supportedDisplayType": [
- "NONE"
], - "supportedPowerSource": [
- "DC"
], - "supportedTagDataFormat": [
- "GS1"
], - "tagLocationingSupported": true,
- "triggers": [
- "GPI"
sending request to uers application
appname required | string Example: sample name of the application |
userapp required | string name of userapp to send command |
command required | string custom command or data to send |
{- "userapp": "sample",
- "command": "string"
{- "response": "string"
Insatll userapp
url required | string http or https file server url |
filename required | string userapp filename in file server |
authenticationType required | string Enum: "NONE" "BASIC" file server authentication type |
object file server basic authentication options | |
verifyPeer | boolean Default: true verify file server certificate |
verifyHost | boolean Default: true verify file server hostname |
CACertificateFileLocation | string CA file location to be used for server authentication |
CACertificateFileContent | string CA certificate file content to be used for server authentication |
{- "filename": "sample_1.0.0.deb",
- "authenticationType": "NONE",
- "options": {
- "username": "string",
- "password": "string"
}, - "verifyPeer": true,
- "verifyHost": true,
- "CACertificateFileLocation": "/apps/ca.pem",
- "CACertificateFileContent": "string"
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "Not found error"
autostart userapp
appname required | string Example: sample name of the application |
autostart | boolean Default: true toggle userapp autostart settings |
{- "autostart": true
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "Not found error"
{- "name": "Reader Main Certificates",
- "type": "server",
- "installTime": "Mon Jun 21 12:38:03 2021",
- "issuerName": "FX9600EE5729",
- "publickey": "string",
- "serial": "410835777",
- "subjectName": "string",
- "validityStart": "21/06/2021",
- "validityEnd": "16/06/2041"
Install Certificate
certificates required | string name of the certificate |
name required | string non-empty name of certificate |
type required | string non-empty Enum: "server" "client" "app" certificate type |
url required | string non-empty ftps server url hosting certificate pfx file |
authenticationType | string Enum: "NONE" "BASIC" ftps server authentication type |
pfxFileName | string PFX certiifcates file Name |
pfxContent | string pfx certificate content |
timeoutInSec | number |
filename | string certificate file name |
verifyHost | boolean verify host boolean |
verifyPeer | boolean verify peer boolean |
CACertificateFileLocation | string CA Certification File Location |
CACertificateFileContent | string CA Certificate File Content |
installedCertificateType | string Installed Certificate Type |
installedCertificateName | string Installed Certificate Name |
publicKeyFileLocation | string public key file path |
publicKeyFileContent | string public key file content |
privateKeyFileLocation | string private key file path |
privateKeyFileContent | string private key file content |
headers | object |
object |
{- "name": "test",
- "type": "client",
- "url": "ftps://",
- "authenticationType": "NONE",
- "pfxFileName": "dfbhnhf",
- "pfxContent": "mhmfgm",
- "timeoutInSec": 0,
- "filename": "czdsvfs",
- "verifyHost": true,
- "verifyPeer": true,
- "CACertificateFileLocation": "gfwwhg",
- "CACertificateFileContent": "wehwe",
- "installedCertificateType": "string",
- "installedCertificateName": "string",
- "publicKeyFileLocation": "string",
- "publicKeyFileContent": "string",
- "privateKeyFileLocation": "string",
- "privateKeyFileContent": "string",
- "headers": { },
- "options": {
- "username": "string",
- "password": "string"
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "Not found error"
Refresh Certificate
certificate required | string |
type required | string Enum: "server" "app" "client" certificate type |
{- "type": "app"
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "Not found error"
Starts the reader reading tags
Start tag reads
doNotPersistState | boolean Default: true persist current tag read state of reader |
{- "doNotPersistState": true
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "internal system error."
Retrieves current operating mode
verbose | boolean
{- "verbose": true
{- "type": "INVENTORY",
- "antennas": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 3
], - "transmitPower": 30.1,
- "antennaStopCondition": [
- {
- "type": "DURATION",
- "value": 500
}, - {
- "type": "INVENTORY_COUNT",
- "value": 1
}, - {
- "type": "GPI",
- "value": {
- "port": 2,
- "signal": "HIGH"
], - "tagMetaData": [
- "PC",
- "CRC",
- {
- "userDefined": "readerABC"
], - "rssiFilter": {
- "threshold": -72
Changes the reader's operating mode
type required | string Default: "SIMPLE" Enum: "SIMPLE" "INVENTORY" "PORTAL" "CONVEYOR" "CUSTOM" "DIRECTIONALITY" The type of mode of operation |
inventorySettings (object) or portalSettings (object) or directionalitySettings (object) | |
environment | string Default: "HIGH_INTERFERENCE" Enum: "LOW_INTERFERENCE" "HIGH_INTERFERENCE" "VERY_HIGH_INTERFERENCE" "AUTO_DETECT" "DEMO" The type of environment in which the reader operates. Along with the regulatory configuration of the reader, the environment parameter will set the default link profile parameters (i.e., Miller mode, BLF, Tari, etc.) and the receiver dynamic range (interference immunity). LOW_INTERFERENCE: The reader is operating in an environment when the likelihood of interference is very low or only occurs for very brief periods of time (defined as a single interrogator environment in the Gen2 and ISO standards). HIGH_INTERFERENCE: The reader is operating in the presence of other readers (defined as a multi-interrogator or dense interrogator environment in the Gen2 and ISO standards). VERY_HIGH_INTERFERENCE: The reader is operating in an environment where the number of readers is greater than the number of available channels, or when interfering readers are in very close proximity to each other. AUTO_DETECT: This will cause the reader to try and assess the environment and adjust accordingly. DEMO: Should be used when demonstrating the maximum performance (fastest read rate) of a reader. This assumes no other readers in the environement. If absent, the environment is set to HIGH_INTERFERENCE |
antennas | Array of integers An array of integers representing the antenna ports to use to read tags. For ATR, the integers represent beam numbers. If absent, all antennas ports are used; for the ATR, a set of 38 beams are used. |
object (tagIdFilter) Represents filter on the tag id. If absent, no filter is used. | |
number or Array of numbers Desired Transmit Power (in dbm). If absent, the value is set to 27 dbm; for the ATR, the value is set to 36 dbm EIRP. | |
antennaStopCondition (object) or Array of antennaStopCondition array (objects) Stop Condition for antennas. If absent, the antenna stop condition is set to run a single inventory round for no longer than 1/N seconds. Where N is the number of enabled antennas. | |
query (object) or Array of query array (objects) Gen2 query parameters. See Gen2 spec for details. If absent, "sel" is set to ALL, session is set to 1, target is set to A, and tag population set to 1. | |
Array of select (objects) or Array of select array (objects) Gen2 select parameters. See Gen2 spec for details. If absent, no select will be issued. Cannot be set when filter with prefix type is also set. If there is an array of select objects, all of the selects in the array will be applied to all antennas. If there is an array of array of select objects, each array of select objects will apply to each antenna. The array of arrays must have the same number of entries as the antennas array. | |
delayAfterSelects | integer [ 0 .. 65 ] Duration in milliseconds to wait after issuing the final select before issuing a query. If absent, the minimum time will be used. |
(Array of access_cmds (read (object) or write (object) or access (object) or lock (object) or kill (object))) or (Array of access_cmds array (read (object) or write (object) or access (object) or lock (object) or kill (object))) Gen2 access parameters. See Gen2 spec for details. If absent, no access will be issued. If there is an array of access objects, all of the accesss in the array will be applied to all antennas. If there is an array of array of access objects, each array of access objects will apply to each antenna. The array of arrays must have the same number of entries as the antennas array. | |
object (delayBetweenAntennaCycles) This introduces a delay between antenna cycles if no tags are read or if no unique tags are read. This allows the reader to share the spectrum if there are no tags to be read. If absent,
on the ATR7000 and the FX9600, delayBetweenAntennas cycles is set to wait for 75 mS if no unique tags are read during a antenna cycle. | |
Array of strings or objects (tagMetaData) Controls the metadata that is sent when a tag is reported “ANTENNA” will report the antenna port upon which the tag was inventoried. “RSSI” will report the rssi (in dbm) of the inventoried tag. If the tag is only reported occasionally (see reportFilter), this tag will be the peak rssi since the last reported read. “PHASE” will report the phase (in degrees) of the inventoried tag. This value will only be reported if each individual tag read is reported (in other words, if reportFilter duration is set to 0). Otherwise, it will not be reported. “CHANNEL” will report the channel (in MHz) the reader was using when the tag was inventoried. This value will only be reported if each individual tag read is reported (in other words, if reportFilter duration is set to 0). Otherwise, it will not be reported. “SEEN_COUNT” will report the number of times the tag has been inventoried since the previous report. This value will always be 1 if each individual tag read is reported (in other words, if reportFilter duration is set to 0). “PC” will report the PC bits of the inventoried tag as a hex string. “XPC” will report the XPC bits of the inventoried tag, if present, as a hex string. “CRC” will report the CRC bits of the inventoried tag as a hex string. “EPC” will report the entire contents of the EPC bank as a hex string. If only a portion of the memory bank is desired, this can be requested by appending a [] to the string and placing the words requested. For instance, if only the first word is desired, the value can be set as “EPC[1]”. If the first word and the 3-5 word are desired, the value can be set to “EPC[1,3-5]”. “TID” will report the entire contents of the TID bank as a hex string. If only a portion of the memory bank is desired, this can be requested by appending a [] to the string and placing the words requested. For instance, if only the first word is desired, the value can be set as “TID[1]”. If the first word and the 3-5 word are desired, the value can be set to “TID[1,3-5]”. “USER” will report the entire contents of the USER bank as a hex string. If only a portion of the memory bank is desired, this can be requested by appending a [] to the string and placing the words requested. For instance, if only the first word is desired, the value can be set as “TID[1]”. If the first word and the 3-5 word are desired, the value can be set to “TID[1,3-5]”. “MAC” will report the MAC Address of the reader reporting the tag. “HOSTNAME” will report the hostname of the reader reporting the tag. “TAGURI” will report the GS1 TDS decoded “EPC Tag URI”. See GS1 TDS documentation for details. “EPCURI” will report the GS1 TDS decoded “Pure Identity EPC URI”. See GS1 TDS documentation for details. The array may also contain an object or objects. The object must contain a single name value pair with the name being set to “userDefined” or “antennaNames” If absent, “SIMPLE” mode does not report any additional meta data, “PORTAL” and “CONVEYOR” modes reports “ANTENNA”, and “INVENTORY” mode reports “ANTENNA”, “RSSI”, and “SEEN_COUNT”. | |
object (radioStartConditions) Controls when, after a “start” is issued, the radio starts trying to inventory tags. If absent, the radio will immediately begin inventorying tags upon a "start" command. | |
object (radioStopConditions) Controls when an ongoing operation completes. If absent, the radio will continue trying to inventory tags until a "stop" is issued. | |
object (reportFilter) Controls when and how often a tag is reported NOTE: This cannot be set while in "INVENTORY" mode. Setting the modeSpecificSetting for interval must be used in "INVENTORY" mode. If absent, each mode uses a different default. "SIMPLE": report tag read once. "PORTAL" and "CONVEYOR": report each tag the first time it is read on each antenna. | |
object (rssiFilter) Tag with RSSI below threshold will not be inventoried by the radio If absent, rssi filter is not used. Note: Currently ONLY supported by the FX9600. | |
Array of objects Array of beams to use Note : beams is only supported for ATR7000 reader |
{- "type": "INVENTORY",
- "antennas": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 3
], - "transmitPower": 30.1,
- "antennaStopCondition": [
- {
- "type": "DURATION",
- "value": 500
}, - {
- "type": "INVENTORY_COUNT",
- "value": 1
}, - {
- "type": "GPI",
- "value": {
- "port": 2,
- "signal": "HIGH"
], - "tagMetaData": [
- "PC",
- "CRC",
- {
- "userDefined": "readerABC"
], - "rssiFilter": {
- "threshold": -72
{- "code": 123,
- "message": "internal system error."
type required | string Default: "SIMPLE" Enum: "SIMPLE" "INVENTORY" "PORTAL" "CONVEYOR" "CUSTOM" "DIRECTIONALITY" The type of mode of operation |
inventorySettings (object) or portalSettings (object) or directionalitySettings (object) | |
environment | string Default: "HIGH_INTERFERENCE" Enum: "LOW_INTERFERENCE" "HIGH_INTERFERENCE" "VERY_HIGH_INTERFERENCE" "AUTO_DETECT" "DEMO" The type of environment in which the reader operates. Along with the regulatory configuration of the reader, the environment parameter will set the default link profile parameters (i.e., Miller mode, BLF, Tari, etc.) and the receiver dynamic range (interference immunity). LOW_INTERFERENCE: The reader is operating in an environment when the likelihood of interference is very low or only occurs for very brief periods of time (defined as a single interrogator environment in the Gen2 and ISO standards). HIGH_INTERFERENCE: The reader is operating in the presence of other readers (defined as a multi-interrogator or dense interrogator environment in the Gen2 and ISO standards). VERY_HIGH_INTERFERENCE: The reader is operating in an environment where the number of readers is greater than the number of available channels, or when interfering readers are in very close proximity to each other. AUTO_DETECT: This will cause the reader to try and assess the environment and adjust accordingly. DEMO: Should be used when demonstrating the maximum performance (fastest read rate) of a reader. This assumes no other readers in the environement. If absent, the environment is set to HIGH_INTERFERENCE |
antennas | Array of integers An array of integers representing the antenna ports to use to read tags. For ATR, the integers represent beam numbers. If absent, all antennas ports are used; for the ATR, a set of 38 beams are used. |
object (tagIdFilter) Represents filter on the tag id. If absent, no filter is used. | |
number or Array of numbers Desired Transmit Power (in dbm). If absent, the value is set to 27 dbm; for the ATR, the value is set to 36 dbm EIRP. | |
antennaStopCondition (object) or Array of antennaStopCondition array (objects) Stop Condition for antennas. If absent, the antenna stop condition is set to run a single inventory round for no longer than 1/N seconds. Where N is the number of enabled antennas. | |
query (object) or Array of query array (objects) Gen2 query parameters. See Gen2 spec for details. If absent, "sel" is set to ALL, session is set to 1, target is set to A, and tag population set to 1. | |
Array of select (objects) or Array of select array (objects) Gen2 select parameters. See Gen2 spec for details. If absent, no select will be issued. Cannot be set when filter with prefix type is also set. If there is an array of select objects, all of the selects in the array will be applied to all antennas. If there is an array of array of select objects, each array of select objects will apply to each antenna. The array of arrays must have the same number of entries as the antennas array. | |
delayAfterSelects | integer [ 0 .. 65 ] Duration in milliseconds to wait after issuing the final select before issuing a query. If absent, the minimum time will be used. |
(Array of access_cmds (read (object) or write (object) or access (object) or lock (object) or kill (object))) or (Array of access_cmds array (read (object) or write (object) or access (object) or lock (object) or kill (object))) Gen2 access parameters. See Gen2 spec for details. If absent, no access will be issued. If there is an array of access objects, all of the accesss in the array will be applied to all antennas. If there is an array of array of access objects, each array of access objects will apply to each antenna. The array of arrays must have the same number of entries as the antennas array. | |
object (delayBetweenAntennaCycles) This introduces a delay between antenna cycles if no tags are read or if no unique tags are read. This allows the reader to share the spectrum if there are no tags to be read. If absent,
on the ATR7000 and the FX9600, delayBetweenAntennas cycles is set to wait for 75 mS if no unique tags are read during a antenna cycle. | |
Array of strings or objects (tagMetaData) Controls the metadata that is sent when a tag is reported “ANTENNA” will report the antenna port upon which the tag was inventoried. “RSSI” will report the rssi (in dbm) of the inventoried tag. If the tag is only reported occasionally (see reportFilter), this tag will be the peak rssi since the last reported read. “PHASE” will report the phase (in degrees) of the inventoried tag. This value will only be reported if each individual tag read is reported (in other words, if reportFilter duration is set to 0). Otherwise, it will not be reported. “CHANNEL” will report the channel (in MHz) the reader was using when the tag was inventoried. This value will only be reported if each individual tag read is reported (in other words, if reportFilter duration is set to 0). Otherwise, it will not be reported. “SEEN_COUNT” will report the number of times the tag has been inventoried since the previous report. This value will always be 1 if each individual tag read is reported (in other words, if reportFilter duration is set to 0). “PC” will report the PC bits of the inventoried tag as a hex string. “XPC” will report the XPC bits of the inventoried tag, if present, as a hex string. “CRC” will report the CRC bits of the inventoried tag as a hex string. “EPC” will report the entire contents of the EPC bank as a hex string. If only a portion of the memory bank is desired, this can be requested by appending a [] to the string and placing the words requested. For instance, if only the first word is desired, the value can be set as “EPC[1]”. If the first word and the 3-5 word are desired, the value can be set to “EPC[1,3-5]”. “TID” will report the entire contents of the TID bank as a hex string. If only a portion of the memory bank is desired, this can be requested by appending a [] to the string and placing the words requested. For instance, if only the first word is desired, the value can be set as “TID[1]”. If the first word and the 3-5 word are desired, the value can be set to “TID[1,3-5]”. “USER” will report the entire contents of the USER bank as a hex string. If only a portion of the memory bank is desired, this can be requested by appending a [] to the string and placing the words requested. For instance, if only the first word is desired, the value can be set as “TID[1]”. If the first word and the 3-5 word are desired, the value can be set to “TID[1,3-5]”. “MAC” will report the MAC Address of the reader reporting the tag. “HOSTNAME” will report the hostname of the reader reporting the tag. “TAGURI” will report the GS1 TDS decoded “EPC Tag URI”. See GS1 TDS documentation for details. “EPCURI” will report the GS1 TDS decoded “Pure Identity EPC URI”. See GS1 TDS documentation for details. The array may also contain an object or objects. The object must contain a single name value pair with the name being set to “userDefined” or “antennaNames” If absent, “SIMPLE” mode does not report any additional meta data, “PORTAL” and “CONVEYOR” modes reports “ANTENNA”, and “INVENTORY” mode reports “ANTENNA”, “RSSI”, and “SEEN_COUNT”. | |
object (radioStartConditions) Controls when, after a “start” is issued, the radio starts trying to inventory tags. If absent, the radio will immediately begin inventorying tags upon a "start" command. | |
object (radioStopConditions) Controls when an ongoing operation completes. If absent, the radio will continue trying to inventory tags until a "stop" is issued. | |
object (reportFilter) Controls when and how often a tag is reported NOTE: This cannot be set while in "INVENTORY" mode. Setting the modeSpecificSetting for interval must be used in "INVENTORY" mode. If absent, each mode uses a different default. "SIMPLE": report tag read once. "PORTAL" and "CONVEYOR": report each tag the first time it is read on each antenna. | |
object (rssiFilter) Tag with RSSI below threshold will not be inventoried by the radio If absent, rssi filter is not used. Note: Currently ONLY supported by the FX9600. | |
Array of objects Array of beams to use Note : beams is only supported for ATR7000 reader |
{- "type": "INVENTORY",
- "antennas": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 3
], - "transmitPower": 30.1,
- "antennaStopCondition": [
- {
- "type": "DURATION",
- "value": 500
}, - {
- "type": "INVENTORY_COUNT",
- "value": 1
}, - {
- "type": "GPI",
- "value": {
- "port": 2,
- "signal": "HIGH"
], - "tagMetaData": [
- "PC",
- "CRC",
- {
- "userDefined": "readerABC"
], - "rssiFilter": {
- "threshold": -72
object GPO default configurations | |
object LED default configurations | |
Array of GPO Action (object) or LED Action (object) (GPO-LED Action) Array of GPO or LED actions. Actions will be performed sequentially. | |
Array of GPO Action (object) or LED Action (object) (GPO-LED Action) Array of GPO or LED actions. Actions will be performed sequentially. | |
Array of GPO Action (object) or LED Action (object) (GPO-LED Action) Array of GPO or LED actions. Actions will be performed sequentially. | |
Array of GPO Action (object) or LED Action (object) (GPO-LED Action) Array of GPO or LED actions. Actions will be performed sequentially. | |
Array of GPO Action (object) or LED Action (object) (GPO-LED Action) Array of GPO or LED actions. Actions will be performed sequentially. | |
Array of GPO Action (object) or LED Action (object) (GPO-LED Action) Array of GPO or LED actions. Actions will be performed sequentially. | |
Array of GPO Action (object) or LED Action (object) (GPO-LED Action) Array of GPO or LED actions. Actions will be performed sequentially. | |
Array of GPO Action (object) or LED Action (object) (GPO-LED Action) Array of GPO or LED actions. Actions will be performed sequentially. | |
Array of GPO Action (object) or LED Action (object) (GPO-LED Action) Array of GPO or LED actions. Actions will be performed sequentially. | |
object GPI Debounce Configuration |
{- "GPODefaults": {
- "1": "HIGH",
- "2": "LOW",
- "3": "HIGH",
- "4": "HIGH"
}, - "LEDDefaults": {
- "1": "GREEN",
- "2": "GREEN",
- "3": "RED"
}, - "GPI_1_H": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "GPI_1_L": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "GPI_2_H": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "GPI_2_L": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "TAG_READ": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "RADIO_START": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "RADIO_STOP": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "GPIDebounce": {
- "1": 50,
- "2": 50,
- "3": 50,
- "4": 50
object Asynchronous Management Errors | |
object Asynchronous Management Warnings | |
object Asynchronous Heartbeat Events | |
gpiEvents | boolean Default: true GPI Events |
userappEvents | boolean Default: true asyncronous events from user applications |
gpoEvents | boolean Default: true GPO Events |
{- "errors": {
- "cpu": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "flash": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "ram": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "reader_gateway": true,
- "antenna": true,
- "database": true,
- "radio": true,
- "radio_control": true,
- "userapp": {
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800,
- "threshold": 60
}, - "warnings": {
- "cpu": {
- "threshold": 80,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "flash": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "ram": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "ntp": {
- "threshold": 0,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 0
}, - "temperature": {
- "ambient": 75,
- "pa": 105
}, - "database": true,
- "radio_api": true,
- "radio_control": true,
- "reader_gateway": true,
- "userapp": {
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800,
- "threshold": 60
}, - "heartbeat": {
- "fields": {
- "radio_control": [
], - "reader_gateway": [
], - "system": [
- "CPU"
], - "userapps": [
], - "userDefined": { }
}, - "interval": 60
}, - "gpiEvents": true,
- "userappEvents": true,
- "gpoEvents": true