command required | string Value: "get_version" The value for the key command must be get_version |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_version) Reader version information. This is an empty object for get_version. |
{- "command": "get_version",
- "command_id": "a12cb5677",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "get_network" The value for command must be get_network |
command_id required | string A Unique Id echoed by the reader in the response to Get Network |
payload required | object (get_network) Reader network information |
{- "command": "get_network",
- "command_id": "a12cb345654",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "get_config" The value for the key command must be get_config |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_config) Retrieves reader configuration |
{- "command": "get_config",
- "command_id": "1a234",
- "payload": {
- "verbose": true
command required | string Value: "set_network" The value for the key command must be set_network |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_network) Updates the reader network configuration settings |
{- "command": "set_network",
- "command_id": "abcd345",
- "payload": {
- "hostName": "FX9600F0F4B5",
- "ipAddress": "",
- "gatewayAddress": "",
- "subnetMask": "",
- "dnsAddress": "",
- "dhcp": "true",
- "macAddress": "84:24:8D:F0:F4:B5"
command required | string Value: "get_status" The value for the key command must be get_status |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_status) Retrieves reader operational statistics for read points |
{- "command": "get_status",
- "command_id": "abcd1234",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "reboot" The value for the key command must be reboot |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (reboot) Restart Reader |
{- "command": "reboot",
- "command_id": "abcd1431243",
- "payload": { }
command | string Value: "set_gpo" The value for the key command must be set_gpo Note : Maximum number of ports available per device type
command_id | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
object (set_gpo) Updates GPO port state |
{- "command": "set_gpo",
- "command_id": "abcd1324",
- "payload": {
- "port": 1,
- "state": false
command required | string Value: "get_appled" The value for the key command must be get_appled |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_appled) Retrieves application LED state |
{- "command": "get_appled",
- "command_id": "string",
- "payload": { }
command | string Value: "set_appled" The value for the key command must be set_appled |
command_id | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
object (set_appled) Sets the reader APP LED to the specified color Note: whenever the seconds is set to 0 it is necessary to turn off the LED by setting it to off |
{- "command": "set_appled",
- "command_id": "abcd1243",
- "payload": {
- "color": "red",
- "seconds": 60,
- "flash": true
command required | string Value: "get_region" The value for the key command must be get_region |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_region) Retrieves reader region information |
{- "command": "get_region",
- "command_id": "a1b2c3345",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "start" The value for the key command must be start |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (start) Start tag reads |
{- "command": "start",
- "command_id": "abcd1432",
- "payload": {
- "doNotPersistState": true
command required | string Value: "stop" The value for the key command must be stop |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (stop) Stop tag reads |
{- "command": "stop",
- "command_id": "abcd1324",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "get_mode" The value for the key command must be get_mode |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (get_mode) command to retrive reader operating mode |
{- "command": "get_mode",
- "command_id": "a134454",
- "payload": {
- "verbose": true
command | string Value: "set_mode" The value for the key command must be set_mode |
command_id | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
object (operatingMode) Represents the reader operating mode. |
{- "command": "set_mode",
- "command_id": "abcd134",
- "payload": {
- "type": "INVENTORY",
- "antennas": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 3
], - "transmitPower": 30.1,
- "antennaStopCondition": [
- {
- "type": "DURATION",
- "value": 500
}, - {
- "type": "INVENTORY_COUNT",
- "value": 1
}, - {
- "type": "GPI",
- "value": {
- "port": 2,
- "signal": "HIGH"
], - "tagMetaData": [
- "PC",
- "CRC",
- {
- "userDefined": "readerABC"
], - "rssiFilter": {
- "threshold": -72
command required | string Value: "set_os" The value for the key command must be set_os |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_os) Update the OS software on the device The HTTP Server should return json array of files available in the folder when query HTTP GET to url provided HTTP1.1 GET -> ["response.txt", "response_ext.txt" ...] |
{- "command": "set_os",
- "command_id": "abdc123",
- "payload": {
- "authenticationType": "BASIC",
- "options": {
- "username": "test",
- "password": "test"
}, - "verifyPeer": true,
- "verifyHost": true,
- "CACertificateFileContent": "\"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\\r\\n7ZkfOkNrbiHMZJ7xQyFtS35gPtMoh6sOTSvPUdg=\\r\\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\\r\\n\"",
- "CACertificateFileLocation": "/apps/ca.crt"
command required | string Value: "set_config" The value for the key command must be set_config |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (success) |
{- "command": "set_config",
- "command_id": "abdc2134",
- "payload": {
- "xml": "string",
- "GPIO-LED": {
- "GPODefaults": {
- "1": "HIGH",
- "2": "LOW",
- "3": "HIGH",
- "4": "HIGH"
}, - "LEDDefaults": {
- "3": "GREEN"
}, - "GPI_1_H": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "GPI_1_L": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "GPI_2_H": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "GPI_2_L": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "TAG_READ": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "RADIO_START": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
], - "RADIO_STOP": [
- {
- "type": "GPO",
- "pin": 1,
- "state": "HIGH",
- "postActionState": "HIGH",
- "blink": {
- "ON": 0,
- "OFF": 0,
}, - "conditions": [
- "retention": {
- "throttle": 200,
- "maxNumEvents": 150000,
- "maxEventRetentionTimeInMin": 10
}, - "batching": {
- "reportingInterval": 1000,
- "maxPayloadSizePerReport": "256KB"
}, - "managementEventConfig": {
- "errors": {
- "cpu": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "flash": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "ram": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "reader_gateway": true,
- "antenna": true,
- "database": true,
- "radio": true,
- "radio_control": true
}, - "warnings": {
- "cpu": {
- "threshold": 80,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "flash": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "ram": {
- "threshold": 90,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 1800
}, - "ntp": {
- "threshold": 0,
- "reportIntervalInSec": 0
}, - "temperature": {
- "ambient": 75,
- "pa": 105
}, - "database": true,
- "radio_api": true,
- "radio_control": true,
- "reader_gateway": true
}, - "heartbeat": {
- "fields": {
- "radio_control": [
], - "reader_gateway": [
], - "system": [
- "CPU"
], - "userapps": [
], - "userDefined": "string"
}, - "interval": 60
}, - "gpiEvents": true,
- "userappEvents": true
}, - "endpointConfig": {
- "data": {
- "event": {
- "connections": [
- {
- "type": "mqtt",
- "options": {
- "endpoint": {
- "hostName": "",
- "port": 8883,
- "protocol": "tcp"
}, - "enableSecurity": true,
- "security": {
- "keyFormat": "PEM",
- "keyAlgorithm": "RSA256",
- "CACertificateFileLocation": "string",
- "publicKeyFileLocation": "string",
- "privateKeyFileLocation": "string",
- "verifyHostName": true
}, - "basicAuthentication": {
- "username": "string",
- "password": "string"
}, - "additional": {
- "keepAlive": 0,
- "cleanSession": true,
- "debug": true,
- "reconnectDelay": 0,
- "reconnectDelayMax": 0,
- "clientId": "string",
- "qos": 0
}, - "publishTopic": [
- "string"
], - "subscribeTopic": [
- "string"
}, - "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "additionalOptions": {
- "batching": {
- "reportingInterval": 1000,
- "maxPayloadSizePerReport": 256000
}, - "retention": {
- "throttle": 200,
- "maxNumEvents": 150000,
- "maxEventRetentionTimeInMin": 10
command required | string Value: "get_logs" The value for the key command must be get_logs |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_logs) Reader Logging Configuration |
{- "command": "get_logs",
- "command_id": "a2134",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "set_logs" The value for the key command must be set_logs |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_logs) Changes logging level |
{- "command": "set_logs",
- "command_id": "abcd2134234",
- "payload": {
- "radioPacketLog": true,
- "components": [
- {
- "componentName": "RC",
- "level": "DEBUG"
command required | string Value: "get_logs_syslog" The value for the key command must be get_version |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_logs_syslog) Retrieves reader system log |
{- "command": "get_logs_syslog",
- "command_id": "a132234",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "get_logs_radioPacketLog" The value for the key command must be get_logs_radioPacketLog |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_logs_radioPacketLog) Retrieves reader radio packet logs |
{- "command": "get_logs_radioPacketLog",
- "command_id": "a1324",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "del_logs_syslog" The value for the key command must be del_logs_syslog |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (del_logs_syslog) purge reader system logs |
{- "command": "del_logs_syslog",
- "command_id": "abcd1234",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "del_logs_radioPacketLog" The value for the key command must be del_logs_radioPacketLog |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (del_logs_radioPacketLog) purge radio packet logs |
{- "command": "del_logs_radioPacketLog",
- "command_id": "abcd2342",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "get_logs_rgErrorLog" The value for the key command must be get_logs_rgErrorLog |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_logs_rgErrorLog) Retrieves reader gateway Error logs |
{- "command": "get_logs_rgErrorLog",
- "command_id": "ab32445",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "get_logs_rgWarningLog" The value for the key command must be get_logs_rgWarningLog |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_logs_rgWarningLog) Retrieves reader gateway Warning logs |
{- "command": "get_logs_rgWarningLog",
- "command_id": "abf868234",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "get_logs_rcLog" The value for the key command must be get_logs_rcLog |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_logs_rcErrorLog) Retrieves Radio Control Error logs |
{- "command": "get_logs_rcLog",
- "command_id": "abd12354",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "set_reqToUserapp" The value for the key command must be set_reqToUserapp |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_reqToUserapp) Send request to userapp |
{- "command": "set_reqToUserapp",
- "command_id": "abcd13212",
- "payload": {
- "userapp": "sample",
- "command": "version"
command required | string Value: "set_installUserapp" The value for the key command must be set_installUserapp |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_installUserapp) Install userapp debian package |
{- "command": "set_installUserapp",
- "command_id": "abcd123",
- "payload": {
- "filename": "sample_1.0.0.deb",
- "authenticationType": "NONE",
- "options": {
- "username": "string",
- "password": "string"
}, - "verifyPeer": true,
- "verifyHost": true,
- "CACertificateFileLocation": "/apps/ca.pem",
- "CACertificateFileContent": "string"
command required | string Value: "set_uninstallUserapp" The value for the key command must be set_uninstallUserapp |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_uninstallUserapp) uninstall userapp |
{- "command": "set_uninstallUserapp",
- "command_id": "abcd134",
- "payload": {
- "appname": "sample"
command required | string Value: "set_startUserapp" The value for the key command must be set_startUserapp |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_startUserapp) start userapp |
{- "command": "set_startUserapp",
- "command_id": "abcd1324",
- "payload": {
- "appname": "sample"
command required | string Value: "set_stopUserapp" The value for the key command must be set_stopUserapp |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_stopUserapp) stop userapp |
{- "command": "set_stopUserapp",
- "command_id": "abcd1324",
- "payload": {
- "appname": "sample"
command required | string Value: "set_autostartUserapp" The value for the key command must be set_autostartUserapp |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_autostartUserapp) configure auto start settings for userapp |
{- "command": "set_autostartUserapp",
- "command_id": "abcd1234",
- "payload": {
- "appname": "userapp name",
- "autostart": true
command required | string Value: "get_userapps" The value for the key command must be get_userapps |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_userapps) Retrive installed userapp status and details |
{- "command": "get_userapps",
- "command_id": "abcd243324",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "get_certificates" The value for the key command must be get_certificates |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_certificates) Retrive installed certificate details |
{- "command": "get_certificates",
- "command_id": "abcd12354",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "del_certificate" The value for the key command must be del_certificate |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_refreshCertificate) Refresh installed certificate |
{- "command": "del_certificate",
- "command_id": "abcd1234",
- "payload": {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "client"
command required | string Value: "set_updateCertificate" The value for the key command must be set_updateCertificate |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_updateCertificate) Install certificate |
{- "command": "set_updateCertificate",
- "command_id": "abcd1324",
- "payload": {
- "name": "test",
- "type": "client",
- "url": "ftps://",
- "authenticationType": {
- "authenticationType": "BASIC"
}, - "pfxPassword": "abcd12345",
- "pfxFileName": "dfbhnhf",
- "pfxContent": "mhmfgm",
- "timeoutInSec": 0,
- "filename": "czdsvfs",
- "verifyPeer": true,
- "verifyHost": true,
- "CACertificateFileLocation": "gfwwhg",
- "CACertificateFileContent": "wehwe",
- "installedCertificateType": "string",
- "installedCertificateName": "string",
- "publicKeyFileLocation": "string",
- "publicKeyFileContent": "string",
- "privateKeyFileLocation": "string",
- "privateKeyFileContent": "string",
- "headers": { }
command required | string Value: "set_refreshCertificate" The value for the key command must be set_refreshCertificate |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_refreshCertificate) Refresh installed certificate |
{- "command": "set_refreshCertificate",
- "command_id": "abcd1324",
- "payload": {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "string"
command required | string Value: "set_revertbackOS" The value for the key command must be set_revertbackOS |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (set_revertbackOS) Revert back reader firmware to secondary partition |
{- "command": "set_revertbackOS",
- "command_id": "abcd1434",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "get_gpoStatus" The value for the key command must be get_gpoStatus Note : Maximum number of ports available per device type
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_gpoStatus) Retrive current GPO pin statuses |
{- "command": "get_gpoStatus",
- "command_id": "abdc453254",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "get_gpiStatus" The value for the key command must be get_gpiStatus Note: Maximum number of ports available per device type
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_gpiStatus) Retrive current GPI pin statuses |
{- "command": "get_gpiStatus",
- "command_id": "abcd21344",
- "payload": { }
command | string Value: "get_supportedRegionList" The value for the key command must be get_supportedRegionList |
command_id | string Value: "gvjh" A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload | object (get_SupportedRegionList) Retrieves the region list supported by the reader based on the readertype |
{- "command": "get_supportedRegionList",
- "command_id": "gvjh",
- "payload": { }
command | string Value: "get_supportedstandardList" The value for the key command must be get_supportedRegionStandard |
command_id | string Value: "sdgf" A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
object (get_Supportedstandardlist_command) Retrieves the standard channel list based on the region name provided |
{- "command": "get_supportedStandardlist",
- "command_id": "sdgf",
- "payload": {
- "region": "Argentina"
command required | string Value: "get_timeZone" The value for the key command must be get_timeZone |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_timeZone_command) Gets Current Reader Time Zone |
{- "command": "get_timeZone",
- "command_id": "abcd21344",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "set_timeZone" The value for the key command must be set_timeZone |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_timeZone_command) Sets Reader Time Zone |
{- "command": "set_timeZone",
- "command_id": "abcd1324",
- "payload": {
- "timeZone": "International Date Line West"
command required | string Value: "get_ntpServer" The value for the key command must be get_ntpServer |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_ntpServer_command) Gets the Reader NTP Server |
{- "command": "get_ntpServer",
- "command_id": "abcd1324",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "set_ntpServer" The value for the key command must be set_ntpServer |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_ntpServer_command) Sets the Reader NTP Server |
{- "command": "set_ntpServer",
- "command_id": "abcd1324",
- "payload": {
- "server": ""
command required | string Value: "get_cableLossCompensation" The value for the key command must be get_cableLossCompensation |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_cableLossCompensation_command) Gets the Reader Cable Loss Compensation. Includes Cable Length and Cable Loss per Hundred Feet. (Not applicable to ATR7000 readers) |
{- "command": "get_cableLossCompensation",
- "command_id": "abcd1324",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "set_cableLossCompensation" The value for the key command must be set_cableLossCompensation |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | All (object) or Each (object) (set_cableLossCompensation_command) Sets the Reader Cable Loss Compensation. Includes Cable Length and Cable Loss per Hundred Feet. (Not applicable to ATR7000 readers) |
{- "command": "set_cableLossCompensation",
- "command_id": "abcd1324",
- "payload": {
- "1": {
- "cableLossPerHundredFt": 0,
- "cableLength": 5
}, - "2": {
- "cableLossPerHundredFt": 10,
- "cableLength": 15
}, - "3": {
- "cableLossPerHundredFt": 20,
- "cableLength": 25
}, - "4": {
- "cableLossPerHundredFt": 30,
- "cableLength": 35
command required | string Value: "get_readerCapabilities" The value for the key command must be get_readerCapabilites |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_readerCapabilites_command) Get Reader Capabilites |
{- "command": "get_readerCapabilities",
- "command_id": "abcd21344",
- "payload": { }
command required | string Value: "set_nameAndDescription" The value for the key command must be set_nameAndDescription |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
required | object (set_nameAndDescription_command) Set name and description of the reader |
{- "command": "set_nameAndDescription",
- "command_id": "abcd1324",
- "payload": {
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string"
command required | string Value: "get_nameAndDescription" The value for the key command must be get_nameAndDescription |
command_id required | string A unique ID that will be echoed back in the command response by the reader. |
payload required | object (get_nameAndDescription_command) Get name and description of the reader |
{- "command": "get_nameAndDescription",
- "command_id": "abcd21344",
- "payload": { }