Frequency Settings Tutorial

Frequency Settings Tutorial in RFID API-3

RFID API-3 allows the user to set the Frequency Setting. But in Zebra IoT Connector, we can only get the currently applied frequencies using the get_region Rest API.

Get current frequencies applied
    "command": "get_region",
    "command_id": "16266718797272556",
    "payload": {}

Response will get the details of current region, regulatoryStandard, lbtEnabled status and channelData.

Get current region response for EU
    "command": "get_region",
    "command_id": "16266718797272556",
    "payload": {
        "channelData": [
        "lbtEnabled": false,
        "region": "European Union",
        "regulatoryStandard": "EU 302.208"
    "response": "success"
Get current region response for US
    "command": "get_region",
    "command_id": "16266718797272556",
    "payload": {
        "channelData": [
        "lbtEnabled": false,
        "region": "Canada",
        "regulatoryStandard": "Canada"
    "response": "success"