TagStorage Settings Tutorial¶
TagStorage Settings Tutorial in RFID API-3
Below are the TagStorage Parameters available in Zebra IoT Connector. which will be sent with the tags.
Configure TagStorage¶{ "command": "set_mode", "command_id": "16266718797272556", "payload": { "type": "CUSTOM", "tagMetaData": [ "PC", "CRC", "ANTENNA", "RSSI", "PHASE", "CHANNEL", "SEEN_COUNT", "EPC", "TID", "USER" ] } }
ANTENNA will report the antenna port upon which the tag was inventoried.
RSSI will report the rssi (in dbm) of the inventoried tag. If the tag is only reported occasionally (see reportFilter), this tag will be the peak rssi since the last reported read.
PHASE will report the phase (in degrees) of the inventoried tag. This value will only be reported if each individual tag read is reported (in other words, if reportFilter duration is set to 0). Otherwise, it will not be reported.
CHANNEL will report the channel (in MHz) the reader was using when the tag was inventoried. This value will only be reported if each individual tag read is reported (in other words, if reportFilter duration is set to 0). Otherwise, it will not be reported.
SEEN_COUNT will report the number of times the tag has been inventoried since the previous report. This value will always be 1 if each individual tag read is reported (in other words, if reportFilter duration is set to 0).
PC will report the PC bits of the inventoried tag as a hex string.
XPC will report the XPC bits of the inventoried tag, if present, as a hex string.
CRC will report the CRC bits of the inventoried tag as a hex string.
EPC will report the entire contents of the EPC bank as a hex string. If only a portion of the memory bank is desired, this can be requested by appending a [ ] to the string and placing the words requested. For instance, if only the first word is desired, the value can be set as “EPC[1]”. If the first word and the 3-5 word are desired, the value can be set to “EPC[1,3-5]”.
TID will report the entire contents of the TID bank as a hex string. If only a portion of the memory bank is desired, this can be requested by appending a [ ] to the string and placing the words requested. For instance, if only the first word is desired, the value can be set as “TID[1]”. If the first word and the 3-5 word are desired, the value can be set to “TID[1,3-5]”.
USER will report the entire contents of the USER bank as a hex string. If only a portion of the memory bank is desired, this can be requested by appending a [ ] to the string and placing the words requested. For instance, if only the first word is desired, the value can be set as “TID[1]”. If the first word and the 3-5 word are desired, the value can be set to “TID[1,3-5]”.
The array may also contain an object. The object must contain a single name value pair with the name being set to userDefined and the value being any desired string. Each time the tag is reported, this object will be included.
By Default,
mode does not report any additional meta data,PORTAL
modes reportsANTENNA
mode reportsANTENNA