System Info Tutorial¶
System Info Tutorial in RFID API-3
To get the System Info on Zebra IoT Connector, these two Rest APIs can be called namely get_version and get_status.
get_version reports the currently available version of availableOsUpgrades, cloudAgentApplication, model, radioApi, radioControlApplication, radioFirmware, readerApplication, readerBootLoader, readerFileSystem, readerHardware, readerOS, revertBackFirmware and serialNumber of the reader.
Get current version¶{ "command": "get_version", "command_id": "16266718797272556", "payload": {} }Get version response¶{ "command": "get_version", "command_id": "16266718797272556", "payload": { "availableOsUpgrades": {}, "cloudAgentApplication": "", "model": "FX9600", "radioApi": "", "radioControlApplication": "", "radioFirmware": "", "readerApplication": "", "readerBootLoader": "", "readerFileSystem": "", "readerHardware": "", "readerOS": "", "revertBackFirmware": { "readerApplication": "", "readerBootLoader": "", "readerFileSystem": "", "readerOS": "" }, "serialNumber": "19183010503972" }, "response": "success" }
get_status reports antennas, cpu, flash, interfaceConnectionStatus, ntp, powerNegotiation, powerSource, radioActivity, radioConnection, ram, systemTime, temperature and uptime.
Get reader status¶{ "command": "get_status", "command_id": "16266718797272556", "payload": {} }Get reader status response¶{ "command": "get_status", "command_id": "16266718797272556", "payload": { "antennas": { "1": "connected", "2": "disconnected", "3": "disconnected", "4": "disconnected" }, "cpu": { "system": 11, "user": 3 }, "flash": { "platform": { "free": 12439552, "total": 33554432, "used": 21114880 }, "readerConfig": { "free": 3108864, "total": 4194304, "used": 1085440 }, "readerData": { "free": 64143360, "total": 67108864, "used": 2965504 }, "rootFileSystem": { "free": 27537408, "total": 192937984, "used": 165400576 } }, "interfaceConnectionStatus": { "data": [ { "connectionError": "", "connectionStatus": "connected", "description": "", "interface": "tcp" } ] }, "ntp": { "offset": 0.0, "reach": 0 }, "powerNegotiation": "DISABLED", "powerSource": "DC", "radioActivity": "inactive", "radioConnection": "connected", "ram": { "free": 88272896, "total": 252334080, "used": 164061184 }, "systemTime": "2022-11-23T06:44:01Z", "temperature": 27, "uptime": "211:35:19" }, "response": "success" }