Region Configuration Tutorial¶
Region Configuration Tutorial in RFID API3
The below features are supported in RFID API-3 as part of Region Configuration.
Get Region Standard List.
Get Supported Region List.
Set Active Region.
We can only get the Current region of the reader via IoT Connector using below payload.
Get current Region¶{ "command": "get_region", "command_id": "16266718797272556", "payload": {} }
Response will get the details of current region, regulatoryStandard, lbtEnabled status and channelData.
Get current region response¶{ "command": "get_region", "command_id": "16266718797272556", "payload": { "channelData": [ "865700", "866300", "866900", "867500" ], "lbtEnabled": false, "region": "European Union", "regulatoryStandard": "EU 302.208" }, "response": "success" }